We, the members of Fairfield Baptist Church, covenant together the following…
We affirm a new birth by the Spirit of God upon our faith in our Saviour Jesus Christ.
We publicly and enthusiastically profess our faith in Christ by immersion in the waters of baptism.
We endeavor, by the aid of the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit, to maintain a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
We strive to walk in the Spirit to crucify the lusts of the flesh and to be conformed into the righteous and holy image of Christ.
We solemnly and joyfully submit to the Lordship of Christ as the Head of this independent and autonomous church body and affirm the Bible as our final authority in faith and practice.
We esteem our fellow church members as brothers and sisters of the same body to pray for one another and to provoke one another unto good works in Christian love and grace.
We purpose to fulfill the Great Commission - to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature - until our Lord’s return.
If you have any questions whatsoever about what we believe, please do not hesitate to email us or contact us.